Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for 2011!

Spending time with family and friends is so important at this time of year and we want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the best for 2011! As we celebrate the birth of Christ, please remember those less fortunate and give them a helping hand. Every child needs to experience the joy of Christmas as they grow up. Thanks to all the agencies like the Marine Corps Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army who make sure children are remembered at Christmas.

We will be back after the Fiesta Bowl where our Oklahoma Sooners are taking on the Connecticut Huskies in Glendale, AZ, right outside Phoenix. We will be spending New Year's in the desert this year after going to the Sun Bowl with the Sooners in El Paso last year.

November was a very good month for Republicans and looking forward to the new Congress in early January when Pelosi is retired. Also looking forward to a lot of new Governors like Mary Fallin in Oklahoma, Rick Scott in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio, Rick Snyder in Michigan, and the list goes on along with returning our favorite Governor to the Governor's Office in Texas -- Rick Perry. We will begin highlighting all the new Governor's in the Republican Party after the first of the year along with new Republicans in the Congress.

We are so fortunate to live in America, the greatest country in the world, but we can never take fore granted the blessings God has given America. We have to work every day to protect our freedoms. There is a saying 'Freedom isn't Free' and it is so true. We had a wake-up call in 2008 and in 2010 we began to right the ship that is America.

Now that the Christmas holiday season is upon us, I am reminded of when my children were small and how much they enjoyed Mickey Mouse Christmas stories. Enjoyed them right along with them. In fact my tree has a lot of Disney on it along with the old world ornaments that come from Europe so our family tree is a mixture, but Mickey Mouse has always been a part of Christmas in our home and now with the grandchildren.

When our kids were small we lived in Southern California so a trip to Disneyland for Christmas was mandatory. One of my favorite memories was the the year my parents and brother came out to Yucaipa and we all went to Disneyland. That was one of the best Christmas we ever spent as Dad's arthritis went into remission that Christmas for the holidays. He loved seeing Disneyland and having the characters come up to greet him. It is a memory I will always cherish. We took him up to Rim of the World drive with all the snow and he couldn't believe the views. Not sure my Mom looked since it was 8,000+ feet down.

Remember the great times with your family and friends and add to those memories with some new memories this year. We leave you for the year with Mickey and friends! God Bless!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

God Bless America -- Have a Great Thanksgiving!

We are taking a break from Voices and will pick back up on the 29th of November after Thanksgiving with updates on what is happening in States with their new Republican Governor-Elects like my home state of Oklahoma where Mary Fallin's transition team is working to bring her new team together.

Please visit, our sister site to find out what is happening with the Congress and Obama during the lameduck session.  Please ignore any warning about Malware because it has been taken care of but Google has said it will take several weeks to clear the site as they have so many waiting to be cleared. The widgit causing the problem has been removed so there is no danger to anyone's computer.

Have a great Thanksgiving weekend and may God Bless you and yours along with this great Country.  No one sings God Bless America than Kate Smith:

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's On: Saul Anuzis Will Challenge Michael Steele for RNC Chairmanship (Outstanding)

We couldn't agree with Saul Anuzis more about this challenge. If I was looking to support someone for RNC Chair, Michigan would be a good place to start after the outstanding job they did in the 2010 election. They have elected Rick Snyder, a Republican businessman, to be the next Michigan Governor and also took control of the legislature. If someone would have told us six months ago that Michigan would go red in 2010, we would have burst out laughing.

That can do attitude of Saul Anuzis and other key Republicans in Michigan made it happen to the amazement of a lot of long time Republican activists. They were organized and Rick Snyder had a message that resonated with Michigan voters.

We were originally supporters of Ken Blackwell for RNC Chair and Steele was a distance choice. In fact the OK GOP Chair supported Michael Steele who we believe would have done a much better job. We are not donating one cent to the RNC while Steele is the Chairman after he took donations and paid Sarah Palin's legal bills so she would campaign with him. We didn't donate to have the RNC pay her legal bills, and we are not alone. Frankly most people I know in the Party are appalled at what they have been seeing out of Steele from some of his comments to his fundraising.

Earlier this election cycle, I received $1 in the mail from the RNC asking for donations. How much did that cost them? I didn't send in a donation. Then we had the overnight express mail package I had to go to the post office and sign for as I wasn't home when it arrived. Thought it was something important -- wrong it was a fundraising appeal from the RNC. In fact if I stacked up all the appeals for fundraising that came in snail mail, it would reach the ceiling. Sometimes I averaged 6-8 appeals a day from various candidates. One day I received three from the Angle campaign in NV. But the top one was the RNC. Would hate to hear how much they spent on direct mail and postage.

Try talking to a live person who knows anything at the RNC -- you spend hours trying to get through to an office only to find out you are now talking to someone in another state who has no clue. Ask for a call back and it never happens when you are answering their correspondence.

They won't see one penny out of anyone I know until the mess is cleaned up and fundraising is common sense. I don't mind getting a fundraising letter at the first of the year to pay dues, but send me email after that which is a lot cheaper. This year I am not paying dues until I see a change. The new RNC Chair needs to do a clean sweep at the Headquarters and quit hiring sons and daughters of big donors. Hire fewer people, but hire professionals.

Mainly stop this continual snail mail request for fundraising. I don't open the letters now -- just throw them in File 13 to go out with the trash.

Want a Chairman who speaks for Republicans like Haley Barbour did as RNC Chair. At times I have wondered which side Steele is on which is not good. Just the fact he is being challenged made my afternoon!

It's On: Saul Anuzis Will Challenge Michael Steele for RNC Chairmanship
Nov 12, 2010 • By JOHN MCCORMACK

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele drew his first official challenger this morning when former Michigan GOP chairman and current Michigan committeeman Saul Anuzis declared his intentions on Twitter. "I’m in. I’m running for Chairman of the RNC," tweeted Anuzis, who posted a link to a letter to all RNC members. "My goal: take back the White House by bringing donors back, finding new ones, & having the best 72-hour effort ever."

Chairman Steele, beset by lackluster fundraising and a string of gaffes, will face stiff competition if, as reported, he wants to keep his job. While Anuzis surely won't be the only person competing, he enters the race in a strong position, respected by both conservative activists and members of the RNC, who are likely to elevate one of their own if they decide to replace Steele. Anuzis ran an unsuccessful campaign to be chairman in 2008 and continued to serve as a committeeman, so he's well known by the committee's other 167 voting members. Earlier this week, RedState's Erick Erickson floated Anuzis's name for RNC chairman.

RNC insiders tell THE WEEKLY STANDARD that currently about 40 to 50 RNC committee members back Steele, 40 to 50 someone other than Steele, with the remaining members undecided; 85 votes are needed to be elected chairman of the RNC at its meeting in mid-January. Support for Steele could implode--and implode rather quickly if Wisconsin chairman Reince Priebus, a member of Steele's inner circle who was the chairman of Steele's 2008 RNC campaign, decides to run. Another committee member who has reportedly expressed interest in the job is former national chairman Mike Duncan. Other RNC members and a few outsiders are considering a run.

Anuzis's pitch to be chairman is pretty simple and straightforward: The RNC "needs someone behind the scenes," Anuzis told me yesterday, who is "making the trains run on time and raising the money necessary to run the 72-hour [get out the vote] program."

Steele has faced criticism from a number of Republicans for not raising enough money to fully fund "get out the vote" operations. "I have no doubt that the RNC cost us several close races," one Republican campaign manager, who managed a statewide race this year, told me. "The 72-hour program was not funded to the extent it was in the past."

"It is clear that the high-dollar donors do not have confidence in the RNC, in particular the chairman," Mississippi committeeman Henry Barbour told THE WEEKLY STANDARD Thursday. "And until there's a change in the way things are done and the leadership, they're not coming back. And we have to have them in a presidential cycle to be successful."

While the overall amount of money raised by the RNC was high, Barbour explained, much of that money was spent on high-cost direct-mail fundraising. "So when you hear the chairman talk about how much money he's raised, what you don't hear him talking about is putting historic amounts of money into campaigns because they spent all of their money trying to go get more money," Barbour said. A fundraising report next week will shed light on just how bad the financial situation was, but even Steele's supporters admit that the "national party gave less to states than it had in recent years." While the RNC transferred $2 million to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Democratic National Committee was able to transfer three times as much cash to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Excerpt:  Read More at The Weekly Standard

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oklahoma Republicans Sweep Statewide Races on November 2nd, 2010

Great day to be from Oklahoma! We were happy to see Governor Henry and Governor-Elect Fallin meet today and hear about the kind words of Jari Askins last night which was class all the way. Today we are all Oklahomans ready to roll up our sleeves and make Oklahoma even better with a business friendly environment.

Having lived on both coasts, in Ohio and Texas, can truthfully say that Oklahoma is the best place by far to live -- friendly people, affordable, and a great University right here in Norman that has grown in stature since former Senator Boren exchanged the US Senate to become the President of the University of Oklahoma.

For the first time in Oklahoma history, Republicans will control the Governor's Office, all statewide offices, and the State Legislature. Winning every statewide race starting with Mary Fallin for Governor and increasing our numbers in the Oklahoma House and Senate is something we hoped would happen but now it is reality.

While Mary was running for Congress in 2008, a lot of us were encouraging her to run for Governor in 2010. Remember at our State Convention in 2009 when Mary spoke about running for Governor and looked around to see the enthusiasm. Put her bumperstrip on my car and there is still one on there today (3rd one) right next to the one for Marco Rubio. It was the right time for her to return to Oklahoma to run for Governor and become our first woman Governor-Elect last night.

One piece of history that we were going to have last night was electing the first woman Governor. Current Lt Governor Jari Askins ran a campaign that went against the Republican wind of conservatism sweeping through Oklahoma. She didn't stand much of a chance of winning in this State where every County went for John McCain as she supported Barack Obama in 2008.

What a wonderful sound to hear on the radio -- Governor Elect Mary Fallin. Not sure in the history of our state there has ever been anyone more qualified to be Governor then Mary and there is NO ONE who sells Oklahoma better. She is a one-woman Chamber of Commerce for Oklahoma as she has traveled around the Country. With Mary as Governor and Todd Lamb as Lt Governor, we have a team that will be second to none when it comes to small business and now the sign is out that Oklahoma is open for business.

When we moved to Oklahoma in Jan 1997, Republicans controlled most of the state government except for Attorney General and School Superintendent -- now we control those with Scott Pruit for AG and Janet Barrisi for Superintendent. Frankly I thought they were both a long shot until two really candidates ran.

Our favorite ad person, Mark Costello, will be taking over as Labor Commissioner from the guitar stealing Lloyd Fields. Gary Jones will be our new Auditor which is going to shake up that office. Our last elected Auditor ended up in prison. Treasurer is another position that a long time Democrat had held the seat but now it is going to be held by Republican Ken Miller.

Kept hearing that Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland could not be beat. Wrong -- John Doak is going to be our next Insurance Commissioner.

Republicans control the three members of the Corporation Commission so that gives us a clean sweep for the first time ever of statewide seats and the legislature.

These people have been given the keys to State Government by the voters of Red State Oklahoma and firmly believe that they are going to make us very proud to call them our elected officials. A new day is dawning in Oklahoma and today we are all Oklahomans.

For the first time in four years, I am represented by a Republican in the State Legislature.

God Bless the Great State of Oklahoma!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Get Out The Vote -- Mary Fallin Republican for Oklahoma Governor

UPDATE: Nov 2nd, 2010 -- Proudly cast my vote for Mary Fallin and the statewide Republicans running for office here in Oklahoma about an hour ago and then promptly put my I Voted stick on the bumperstrip I have for Mary on the back of my SUV.

Felt like I was back in California with the number of initiative issues on the ballot some of which were 'feel good' types that were ridiculous. These were from the legislature for the most part and sure hope in the future some of that ends because they cloud the really good issues like voter ID being required. As I read through them I was grateful to The Oklahoman for detailing them.   Most of them were from the same two people in the legislature.  Think that needs to change in the future to be initiatives by the voters not the legislature.

My home state of Ohio looks to be going RED today in statewide races.  Ohio and Florida will be back in Red State America after today!  Oklahoma is going to turn the Governor's Office and other State Offices red to match the Red from 2008!

GO VOTE if you haven't voted already and prepare to enjoy this evening!  The day is slowly going by unlike some days that have flown by. 

There are several races in this Country that are near and dear to the people involved here and with our sister site -- Oklahoma and Florida Governor races along with the Florida and Colorado Senate races have been top priorities for us in this election season.  We are also interested in the OK Senate race of Dr. Tom Coburn but that race has never been in doubt.  This will be the first time in 8 years that Oklahoma will have a Republican Governor who is also a conservative. We have to Get Out The Vote to make sure that the polling is correct and Mary Fallin will by Governor-Elect Fallin on the night of November 2nd.

Get Out The Vote -- Rick Scott Republican Candidate for Florida Governor

Rick's Scott's last TV Ad of the campaign -- Let's Get to Work!

On November 2nd, Floridians can send a message to Red State America -- 'We are Back!'   By electing Rick Scott as the new Florida Governor, Florida will be put on a path to more jobs, less taxes and government which was the path started by Jeb Bush that the pretend Conservative Republican Charlie Crist interrupted.  Time to take back the Governor's Office from now 'No Party' Crist who supports Obama policies which right there says he is no Conservative Republican.   No wonder Florida turned blue for Obama with Crist as the Governor.  Crist wasted no time embracing Obama and his Agenda for Florida which failed.   Now it is time to put Rick Scott who is a 'real' Conservative Republican with a plan in office to clean up the mess left by the Obama supporter Crist and the Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oklahoma State Question 744 -- Vote NO! Message from Frank Keating and Cong Tom Cole (R-OK)

There is a statement from current Democrat Governor Brad Henry along with emails from former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating and my Congressman from the 4th District Tom Cole opposing State Question 744. This is one State Question that has brought both political parties together. Democrat Governor Brad Henry and a group of Democrats have joined former Governor Frank Keating, Cong Cole, and a host of Republicans opposing this bill. It is nothing more than a power grab by union teachers. When you get Brad Henry speaking out against this bill when his wife is a teacher, then you know how bad this bill is that is on the ballot.

The ads for SQ 744 make your blood boil if you are any type of fiscal conservative and value education. They are the most despicable ads on the radio and we have to question if they are from the National Teacher's Union because we haven't heard ads like that on a State Question since we passed Right to Work and the vast majority of money opposing it came from out of state along with the ads.

Oklahomans didn't listen to the national people on Right to Work and would bet we are going to turn down SQ 744 which has no bi-partisan support for SQ 744 but a lot of bi-partisan support to Just Say NO to SQ 744!

Statement from Governor Brad Henry:
"If State Question 744 passes, it will absolutely devastate the budgets of all other critical areas in state government, and we just simply cannot allow that to happen."

Gov. Brad Henry
Honorary Chair
One Oklahoma Coalition
Email from Former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating:

Grassroots Supporter,

Included on the November ballot will be State Question 744, which is a reckless tax-and-spend proposal designed to feather the nests of the education establishment, without doing anything to bring much needed reforms to our schools. This proposal focuses exclusively on money, and not on student achievement.

And it’s not just conservatives who realize we have to quit putting money into our education system. Late last month while appearing on NBC, President Barrack Obama said, "We can't spend our way out of it. I think that when you look at the statistics, the fact is that our per-pupil spending has gone up during the last couple of decades even as results have gone down.”

By its own terms this is exactly what SQ 744 aims to accomplish – massive multi-billion dollar spending based on per-pupil expenditures with NO reforms, NO accountability and NO funding mechanism.

SQ 744 would provide billions of dollars in new spending with no requirements or direction on how these funds should be spent. In fact, every penny of SQ 744 could be spent on superintendent salaries and still meet the requirements of the measure. Just read the ballot – it expressly states this money can be spent on “non-instruction services.” That’s code for items that don’t help our children learn.

There is absolutely nothing in this state question addressing academic rigor, student achievement, teacher performance or anything else to improve our schools. It is solely money.

And this money has to come from somewhere -- probably from you and me. When fully implemented, SQ 744 would require an increase of $1,200 per year in taxes for a family of four. That could be in massive property tax increases, a 34 percent increase in state sales taxes, or a 38 percent increase in the state income tax. And that is if the cost is at the lowest estimates being given. Those supporting this ill-conceived proposal have advocated getting rid of homestead property tax exemptions, taxing utility bills and even taxing all retirement benefits, such as Social Security.

If budget cuts alone funded this huge transfer of taxpayer resources to public schools, Oklahoma would be required (at a minimum) to close eight prisons and release 8,400 criminals, lay off more than 125 state troopers, face sizable college tuition increases, cut huge sums from law enforcement, public safety and highways and lose $343 million in federal health care matching dollars. In other words, it would cut more than 20% of all state government outside of common education. Something we just can’t afford.

Incredibly, this union power grab (the National Education Association has already pledged to spend more than $3 million to force this on Oklahomans) is silent on academic performance, efficiency, teacher quality and academic results.

When it comes to State Question 744, join me in rejecting this liberal tax-and-spend agenda for Oklahoma by voting no. This reckless philosophy is one that even President Obama and his Washington cronies admit just won’t work.

Keating, former Oklahoma governor, is a member of the One Oklahoma Coalition, which opposes SQ 744.

Frank Keating

Press Release from Congressman Tom Cole

State Question 744 is Wrong SolutionBy: Congressman Tom Cole

With the pivotal November 2 elections fast approaching, partisan conflicts are on display in political ads, debates and news reports across the country. However, there is remarkable consensus in Oklahoma among lawmakers and candidates from both parties regarding State Question 744.

SQ 744 epitomizes the "throw money at the problem" mentality. This misguided initiative would amend the state constitution to require that Oklahoma's K-12 education spending equal the per-student average of our six neighboring states. It would put in place no reforms and no new oversight or accountability. Under SQ 744, the answer to Oklahoma's education challenges begins and ends with increased spending.

Political history is replete with examples of the futility of this approach. President Obama's failed stimulus package is just one of the most recent. Supporters of this $787 billion monstrosity promised that the bill would create jobs and keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. We're now entering our 17th straight month of 9 percent or higher unemployment. A new Joint Economic Committee report reveals that the nation's 20 largest metropolitan areas have lost 557,000 private sector jobs since the stimulus became law, while the federal workforce has grown by 42,700 jobs in those areas. This fact demonstrates that increased spending is reliably effective in achieving only one outcome: the growth of government. When it comes to producing concrete results like new jobs or improved educational achievement, the tax-and-spend philosophy has long since been proven a failure.

While SQ 744 would likely have little positive impact on learning, it would certainly have a disastrous effect on the state budget. Besides being devoid of reform, the measure is also lacking in any funding mechanism. Absent a new revenue stream, deep cuts to other vital government services would be required to fund the new education spending, which the Oklahoma Policy Institute projects would be nearly $1.7 billion over the first three years. With a total state budget of $6.7 billion in fiscal year 2011, $1.7 billion would represent an enormous portion of state spending. Diverting a sum of this size to K-12 education cannot be accomplished without major disruptions to other state functions like corrections, transportation and higher education.

The state budget is already strained, and it is only by virtue of responsible management and tough choices by the state government that Oklahoma has fared so well in the recession. SQ 744 would place an unacceptable burden on state finances that would significantly compromise Oklahoma's capacity to recover from continuing economic challenges. President Obama's policies are damaging enough to state budgets without adding to the burden with new mandatory state spending.

No one disputes the importance of education to Oklahoma's future. However, SQ 744 is simply the wrong approach.

Funniest Ads of the Campaign Season in Oklahoma Belong to Republican Mark Costello Running for Labor Commissioner

This ad speaks for itself about the disaster that is Democrat Labor Commissioner Lloyd Fields:

Colby Yates describes guitar theft mentioned in the above video -- Not a Practical Joke!

Video is poor quality but the audio was used in a radio commercial against Lloyd Fields who stole the guitar, got arrested, no charges filed by Yates, but the police hauled Fields off to the drunk tank.

We had a very good Labor Commissioner Brenda Reneau who was barely beat in 2006 after a Republican State Rep recorded a campaign ad against her for Fields as a personal vendetta against Reneau. That tipped the scale and gave us four years of the most incompetent man to hold office -- Lloyd Fields.

Have to hand it to Mark Costello for handling all of the Fields problems with humor. Ads that use facts and turn it into humor are funny.  The Democrats in this State have been running some of the nastiest ads based on their liberal interpretation of the facts with spin and are not funny at all -- they are downright nasty. It is backfiring in many of the Dem races here in Oklahoma and they are going to pay for it on November 2nd.

Tulsa World: Fallin’s Lead Over Askins Stretches in Governor's Race -- Oklahoma Update of Statewide Races

This is actually pretty funny as Askins in an article in the Oklahoman on Tuesday said she was gaining on Mary and down to single digits. OOPS! Tulsa World comes out the next morning with results from Sooner with Mary ahead byd 18 points. Democrats were also bragging about how much Askins raised but she gave herself $500,000 this quarter so how is that beating Mary's donations? Former OU Coach Barry Switzer is out with an ad for Askins. His enthusiasm for Askins doesn't show in his ads like it does when he really likes a candidate. His ad is not going to work this time.

Switzer is all over the place in this election with choosing Republican Scott Pruitt for Attorney General and even hosting a fundraiser in his home for Scott.

Right now the new polling numbers just out show Republicans Mary Fallin (Governor), Todd Lamb (Lt Governor), Scott Pruit (Attorney General), Mark Costello (Labor Commissioner), Ken Miller (Treasurer), Gary Jones (Auditor) and Janet Barresi (School Superintendent) all with leads from 6-18 points. In the race for Insurance Commissioner John Doak is losing to Kim Holland by two points well within the margin of error.

Democrats who love to tout the 'party of the poor' mantra are anything but that here in Oklahoma. In the Auditor's race, Burrage the Democrat is pretty much self funding his race giving his race $480,000 which gave him a 10-1 edge over Gary Jones. Burrage has run one of the nastiest campaigns we have ever seen in the state which says a lot. It isn't working because in the respected Sooner just released Gary Jones is winning. Cannot think of a better person to be the State Auditor than Gary Jones. With his election, maybe we can get the Auditor's office cleaned up once and for all and patronage with Abstract Companies stopped.

Going to be a fun evening in Oklahoma on Tuesday night as the new Sooner shows Republicans ahead in all but one statewide race and in that one for Insurance Commissioner Doak only trails Holland by two points. Here in Oklahoma we still have the straight voting where you can draw the arrow for Republican for each set of races. That could hurt Holland in the end.

We have to give the nod to the funniest campaign commercials in this state to Mark Costello for Labor Commissioner over Lloyd Fields who stole a guitar from one of the bull riders at the rodeo and ended up in the drunk tank in 2008. We will cover Costello's ad in a separate post as it is really funny.

*** In Case You Missed It ***

Tulsa World: Fallin’s Lead Over Askins Stretches in Governor's Race

Republican gubernatorial nominee Mary Fallin maintains a comfortable lead over Democrat Jari Askins heading into the final week of the campaign, according to the latest Oklahoma Poll.

In a statewide survey of 753 Oklahomans with a history of voting in previous elections, 56 percent said they plan to vote for Fallin, while 38 percent said they'll vote for Askins.

Six percent were undecided.

The survey was conducted by of Oklahoma City.

A similar poll in July separated the two candidates by just six points.

Fallin's support has grown since, while Askins' appears to have slipped slightly. …

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Make Mine Freedom Cartoon (1948)

This Cartoon Seemed Far Fetched in 1948! Our thanks to the people at National Juggernaut who posted it -- absolutely chilling!

Source: National Juggernaut

Frightening is one word that comes to mind in addition to chilling about how much the Progressive Democrats led by Obama/Pelosi/Reid remind us of Government takeover in this cartoon that has been speeded up drastically since Obama took office in January 2009.

Time for Freedom loving Americans to begin to Take our Country Back on November 2nd, 2010, and finish the job in November 2012.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Speaker Pelosi Is Right: Dems Deserve All the Credit for the Job-Killing, Budget-Busting Agenda That Has Americans Asking “Where are the Jobs?”

The first time we heard Pelosi was whining because the liberal Democrat House and Senate were not getting credit for what they have accomplished since Obama took office, we figured it was a joke. We were wrong -- she meant it. Is Pelosi really that out of touch with Americans that she could even think such a thing? Looks like she is. That is one of the biggest problems with having the Speaker come from such a liberal area of the Country. They don't have a clue about how the rest of us think. San Francisco is one of the most liberal cities in America by far and yet the Democrats elected Pelosi as Speaker? What were they thinking?

Pelosi as Speaker has been a total disaster not to mention has caused the taxpayers a fortune with her party plane from the Air Force. We agree with Republican Leader Boehner that the Dems do deserve all the credit for these bills they have rammed through Congress without reading. Obama says "jump" and Pelosi asks "how high?"

Speaker Pelosi Is Right: Dems Deserve All the Credit for the Job-Killing, Budget-Busting Agenda That Has Americans Asking “Where are the Jobs?”

While Dem Leaders Continue to Press Their Failed Economic Policies, GOP Offers Better Solutions in A Pledge To America

Washington (Oct 26)

In a recent interview with Politics Daily, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) bemoaned the lack of credit Democrats have received for what they have done while in control of Congress. According to Speaker Pelosi, “we haven’t really gotten the credit for what we have done, but we will take it to the voters and have a Democratic majority to follow through on it…” With members of Speaker Pelosi’s own party working feverishly to distance themselves from the Democratic Leaders’ job-killing agenda, the reality is the American people are giving them the credit they richly deserve for orchestrating the massive, costly power grab that has been going on in Washington. The President and Democrats in Congress have indeed been busy, passing one job-killing bill after another and adding trillions to the nation’s debt despite overwhelming opposition from the American people. Here are just a few of the Democrats’ most significant, if dubious, “accomplishments”:

Defying the Will of the American People by Ramming Through ObamaCare. In March, Democrats passed the job-killing government takeover of health care amid promises that it would lower costs and improve access for millions of Americans....

Enacting a Trillion-Dollar ‘Stimulus’ That Has Failed to Live Up to its Own Job-Creation Promises. At the time the President signed the trillion-dollar ‘stimulus’ into law, he claimed it would “create or save 3.5 million jobs over the next two years.”...

Adjourning Congress Without Voting to Stop All the Tax Hikes on Families and Small Businesses. Before Congress adjourned for the fall, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) called for immediate enactment of the Pledge to America, including specific proposals to cut spending and stop all the looming tax hikes that are making it impossible for small businesses to create jobs....

Enacting a Massive Financial Regulation Bill That Doesn’t Address the Core of the Financial Crisis. In July, President Obama signed into law a massive financial regulation bill that failed to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-backed mortgage companies at the heart of the financial crisis....

Institutionalizing Taxpayer-Funded Bailouts. In testimony given before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke confirmed that “a too-big-to-fail company undergoing the government’s new resolution process could still receive money from the Treasury,” making it clear that government bailouts are here to stay under the Democrats’ 2,300 page financial regulation bill....

Passing a Job-Killing National Energy Tax. Last year, House Democrats rammed a job-killing, 1,500 page national energy tax bill through the House that will raise electricity prices, increase gasoline prices, and ship American jobs overseas to countries like China and India....
Excerpt: Read More at GOP
Would venture to guess that the majority of Americans know someone who has become unemployed since Obama took office in January 2009. There are a lot of companies who have scaled back their workforce and now don't intend to hire because of the uncertainty about what faces them with the much higher costs of Obamacare. If Obamacare is allowed to stand unchanged, the unemployment rates will rise even more and current employees will have to pay more for health insurance.

Obamacare needs repealed because it is a bad bill that wasn't read before it was rammed through the Congress, but we expect Obama to block any repeal efforts veto. What Congress can do is not fund Obamacare at all to bring it to a halt while repealing sections one at a time.

Obama/Reid/Pelosi have managed to put this Country on its back with their spending more and more dollars that we don't have in less than two years. What do they do? Print more money like it does 'grow on trees' which puts the US more in debt to where today it is over a $13.6T deficit and growing every minute. Jobs are getting harder to find which in turns hurts the sale of big ticket items like cars and homes. Professional people who have become unemployed are having to take lesser paying jobs if they can find them which still will pay more than unemployment, but in many cases has made their mortgage or car payments unaffordable.

We think it is time for a CHANGE and throw out on November 2nd the progressive Democrats and their idea of what the Country should look like which is a 180 from the vast majority of Americans who are center right.   We are all for the idea of locking up the Halls of Congress until Republicans take over on 3 January 2011.  Won't happen but it would sure be better than the lameduck sessions which Obama/Pelosi Democrats have planned.  Since Obama calls Congressional Republicans the Party of "NO," Republicans need to live up to that name in the lameduck session.

Where are the JOBS?


With the Pledge to America, Republicans are Offering a Better Way to Create Jobs, End Economic Uncertainty

Eighteen months. That's how long Ohio middle-class families and small businesses have suffered from double-digit unemployment according to the most recent jobs report released last week.

Sadly, this report looks like too many we've seen since President Obama signed the $787 billion "stimulus" into law. Thousands more Ohioans lost their jobs. Unemployment remains painfully high.

With the Pledge to America, Republicans are offering a new and better way to address the people’s priorities, starting with a plan to create jobs and end economic uncertainty. This governing blueprint, which was built by listening to the people, starts with stopping all the looming tax hikes and ending Washington’s out-of-control spending spree. Make no mistake, our economy will ultimately recover, but it will do so because of the hard work and entrepreneurship of the American people, not more of the same wasteful Washington spending and job-killing tax hikes and mandates.
One video more than any other video describes Pelosi and her liberal agenda:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rubio leading in battle of the ed boards

Happy to read this tonight from Tampa Bay OnLine Blog about the editorial boards endorsing in the Senate race. Almost fainted when I saw the Miami Herald endorsed Rubio and now seeing the TBO call it 'one suprising announcement' made me smile. Thought it was a major endorsement and sure enough it was. Orlando Sentinel we think is a key endorsement along with Tampa Tribune (we expected that one).

Won't be long and we will be saying Senator Elect Marco Rubio. One week from tomorrow is election day across America. GOTV by Republicans is in process to win as many seats as we can in the House, Senate, and Governor's races.

Rubio leading in battle of the ed boards
Posted Oct 25, 2010 by William March
Updated Oct 25, 2010 at 05:32 PM

With the help of at least one surprising endorsement, and some from newspapers that endorsed Charlie Crist for governor in 2006, Marco Rubio is leading the battle for endorsements of major newspaper editorial boards in Florida.

Probably the most surprising endorsement for Rubio came from his hometown paper, the Miami Herald, usually liberal or Democratic-leaning in its endorsements and editorial policies. But Rubio has also received backing from the editorial boards of of The Tampa Tribune, Fort Myers News-Press, Florida Times-Union, South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the Orlando Sentinel.

Crist is close behind with backing from his hometown paper, the St. Petersburg Times, plus The Tallahassee Democrat, Florida Today, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune and the Naples Daily News.

In 2006, Crist was endorsed for governor by at least three papers now backing Rubio—the Tampa Tribune, Orlando Sentinel and Florida Times-Union.

The Lakeland Ledger has gone for Kendrick Meek, and the Palm Beach Post, also usually considered liberal or Democratic in its editorial orientation, hasn’t yet published an endorsement.

Source: TBO

Why Did Bobby Bright Vote For Nancy Pelosi?

Democrat Bobby Bright is being opposed by Republican Martha Roby in a Congressional District that is heavily Republican. Bright was elected to the seat in 2008 as a Democrat who was very conservative BUT when he got to the House, first thing he did was vote for Pelosi for Speaker. He voted against the Republican alternative to Obamacare but did vote against the final Obamacare bill as one of the people Pelosi said could vote against the bill. If the bill would have been tied, would he have still voted against the bill or would he have voted with Pelosi to pass?

Bright has a 72% voting record on conservative issues which means over 25% of the time he votes with Pelosi and the Democrats. Voters of Alabama's 2nd District need to turn that seat back RED and not have to worry if their member of Congress is going to vote for or against them.

Now we learn that Bright who has trashed Pelosi and said he won't vote for her for Speaker has asked for help as he was out fund raised 3-1 by Roby. Who does Bright call in after the Pelosi Democrats have spent almost $1M in his race? A front for labor unions:

Top contributors to “Citizens for Strength and Security” include some of the largest and most powerful liberal unions in the nation, including the controversial Services Employees International Union, the Teamsters Union, and the United Food & Commercial Workers Union.

The well-publicized agendas for these and other contributors are squarely in-line with the liberal positions taken by President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Advancing an agenda that includes government takeover of health care, job-killing card check legislation, and amnesty for illegal immigrants is a central part of the mission of these unions.

“The fact that union front groups are spending money in Alabama’s Second District deeply undercuts Democrat Bobby Bright’s claim to be independent,” said Mike Hamilton, campaign manager for Martha Roby. “These unions are spending money in Alabama for one reason: they know a vote for Bobby Bright is a vote to keep Nancy Pelosi in power.”
This from Bright who is claims to be a conservative, independent, and anti-Pelosi? It is becoming clearer and clearer that once again Democrats are trying to run as Conservatives.  We believe voters have learned their lesson and are not buying into this mantra of 'conservative' Democrats as the facts speak for themselves with his voting over 25% of the time with Pelosi. By definition that is not conservative.

Voters of the Alabama's 2nd Congressional District have a choice -- they can send Bright back to the Congress and ensure that Pelosi has a voice or they can elect Conservative Republican Martha Roby and make sure their voices are heard.   That is an easy choice -- Martha Roby needs to be elected from the 2nd district of Alabama on November 2nd!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rick Berg (R) leads Earl Pomeroy by 10 points in North Dakota House Race (Oct 21st poll)

Republicans are leading by impressive numbers in the North Dakota Senate and House seat races. Current Republican Governor John Hoeven is leading the Senate race by a large margin while Rick Berg leads in the House race by 10 points. Defeating long time House Member Pomeroy is going to give North Dakota voters a representative who will listen to them. Residents of North Dakota are not going to know how to act to have a Senator and their Representative actually represent them not the liberal Democrats Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.

STOP THE PRESSES: Miami Herald Endorses Marco Rubio for Senate

It is TRUE!  The Miami Herald has endorsed a Republican for the Florida Senate which is shocking.  If someone would have told us 18 months ago that we would be reading an endorsement of Marco Rubio by the Miami Herald, we would have have laughed.  This is absolutely amazing and shows that even in editor's offices across America the editorial boards of major newspapers are not liking what they are seeing out of the Democrats in DC and the way they govern with ramming things through Congress.  Never thought I would see this day after the way the media acted in 2008 carrying Obama's water. 

This is a good start by the Miami Herald editorial board and one that needs to be part of their policy -- endorse the best candidate who can do the best job for the citizens of Florida.  Here is their endorsement:

For U.S. Senate, The Miami Herald recommends Marco Rubio

In one of the most unusual and hard-fought Senate races in many years, Florida voters have a choice among three capable candidates with distinctly different views on how to fix what’s wrong with the economy and the country.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio,  left,
talks to reporters as David Rivera, Republican
candidate for Congress, right, looks on in Miami,
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010. Alan Diaz / AP
Don’t look for a "local favorite’’ in this race. U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek and former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio are native sons of South Florida. Gov. Charlie Crist is well known to local voters and now has a part-time home on Fisher Island.
Don’t look for an "outsider," either. All three have impressive records of public service. In a year when career politicians are everyone’s whipping boy, these three candidates understand how government works and what ‘‘constituent service’’ means.

What sets them apart from each other are sharp differences on issues and distinctively different claims for the allegiance of the electorate.

Mr. Meek, 44, is an unabashed Democratic standard-bearer, a dependable supporter of the Obama administration whose message is aimed squarely at everyday voters who fear the erosion of their living standards. Mr. Meek’s involvement with indicted developer Dennis Stackhouse is a stain on an otherwise good record, but it raises fair questions about his judgment and management of his staff.

Gov. Crist, 54, a lifelong Republican turned independent, says he will refuse to toe anyone’s party line. Mr. Crist’s political pragmatism is sometimes too elastic, and his loyalty to former Republican Party of Florida chief Jim Greer, who is battling fraud charges, raises questions about Mr. Crist’s judgment, even when GOP donors pleaded with him to take action.

Mr. Crist is running as an independent because he was elbowed out of the GOP primary by Mr. Rubio, who has captured many Florida voters’ attention with his straight talk about attacking the stratospheric federal budget deficit. An articulate defender of belt-tightening, Mr. Rubio’s energetic campaign and insurgent candidacy capitalized on voters’ anti-Washington mood and changed the race’s political dynamics.

His lead in the polls rests in part on a decidedly conservative agenda -- anti-choice, anti-taxes. His life story as a son of Cuban exiles strikes a sympathetic chord with many voters.

Mr. Rubio is not a flawless candidate. He has refused to release all records involving a Republican Party credit card, which he used at times for personal expenses when he was House leader.

Nevertheless, at 39, Mr. Rubio has the potential to be the kind of statesman Floridians can be proud to call a native son -- much like another conservative, former Sen. Connie Mack, who became a defender of Haitian immigrants’ rights and led bipartisan initiatives that doubled federal spending on bio-medical research.

Like a lot of voters, we’ve struggled with the choices in this race, and our pick may surprise some readers. We do not agree with many of Mr. Rubio’s positions -- certainly not the far-right stance he has taken on immigration or his position against healthcare reform.

Yet his persistence in taking on a popular governor 18 months ago to run for the U.S. Senate says something about Mr. Rubio’s passion to fix what’s wrong in Washington. At this critical juncture in the nation’s economy, Mr. Rubio offers a welcome dose of fiscal restraint. He has exhibited common sense on Social Security, where he proposes raising the retirement age as a way of keeping the program solvent. Neither Mr. Crist nor Mr. Meek has dared to make take such a clear stand.

Mr. Rubio has been the driving force in this race. His leadership skills were evident as House Speaker, but in Washington he will need to work across the aisle -- a virtue not abundant in Tallahassee. Smart and committed, Mr. Rubio can grow into a consensus-seeker in the Senate, benefiting all Floridians.

For U.S. Senate, The Miami Herald recommends MARCO RUBIO.

Read more:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rubio's words the same as underdog to frontrunner

As I read this article, I remembered back to last year when I was intrigued about Marco Rubio for Florida Senator from the time I heard he was running. He started out down over 30 points -- had a slight disagreement with a good friend on whether he could win. He was convinced that Charlie Crist was going to win hands down, but I wasn't so sure and started touting Rubio on my blog. The more I heard of him, the better I liked him and thought he was the type of Senator we needed from Florida.

In the Florida Governor's primary in 2006 was a supporter of Tom Gallagher so was never really a full blown Crist fan although supported him for Governor. More and more conservative websites started supporting Rubio. Then what I consider the straw that broke the camels back with support Crist happened -- he called all the County Chairs and longtime activists in Florida asking for their recommendations as to who they would like to see finishe the term of then Senator Martinez who was retiring from the Senate. Crist had a former member of Congress Rep Bilarakis fill out a questionnaire about who he was which most thought was odd.

When it was announced that he had chosen his long time friend LeMieux to be the Senator, it sent shock waves around the State in Republican circles as most people had him on the bottom of their list (he has turned out to be a very good Senator). From that point on the tide turned on Crist by the activists and his numbers started going down while Rubio's went up. Next thing we know the race was tied and then Rubio was climbing in the polls while Crist started tanking. All of a sudden the Obama/Crist hug started showing up on websites all across the Country. It was the most remarkable turnaround we have witnessed in Republican politics with Crist leaving the GOP and becoming NO PARTY rather than lose to Rubio in the primary.

On the evening of November 2nd after the polls have closed and ballots are counted, we will be saying Senator-Elect Rubio. His journey to be the next Senator from Florida which started as an idea along with some grassroots supporters will have culminated in his election to the United States Senate.

Rubio's words the same as underdog to frontrunner
October 22, 2010 12:05 AM

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate
Marco Rubio speaks to supporters
at a rally at American Aero in New
Smyrna Beach, Thursday,
October 7,  2010. (N-J

David Massey)

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Marco Rubio speaks to supporters at a rally at American Aero in New Smyrna Beach, Thursday, October 7, 2010. (N-J | David Massey)

MIAMI (AP) -- Marco Rubio was at a Panhandle truck stop refueling during a trip from Pensacola to Tallahassee when a truck driver startled him.

"Hey Rubio!" the man shouted from the doorway of the restaurant. As Rubio turned around with a "who me?" look. The man added, "You got my vote" and then quickly popped back inside.

Rubio, caught offguard, asked his volunteers what he should do. They encouraged him to go inside and thank the man. Rubio did, telling the only reporter covering his trip to wait outside because he didn't want to look like he was using the opportunity to gain attention.

That was 15 months ago. That was when the Republican establishment said he was crazy and laughed at the idea that the former state House speaker could topple political giant Gov. Charlie Crist. That's when Rubio only had three campaign staffers and couldn't afford to bring any on trips. It's when he was down 21 points in the polls and a good day was when he could speak before a crowd of 80 people and raise $1,000.

A lot has changed since then. Rubio, 39, drove Crist from the primary, he's set and reset fundraising records and he's become a national darling of the conservative movement. The same people who laughed at him stand firmly behind him. The only thing that hasn't changed is his message.

"People forget that there were many in the Republican Party that were saying that in order to be successful in the future, Republicans were going to have to become more like Democrats and I never bought into that notion," Rubio said recently. "Ultimately the support we're now getting from folks that are in the establishment are people who are buying into our agenda, we're not buying into theirs."

Whether it was before a few dozen people at the start of his campaign, the 3,000 he addressed as the keynote speaker at the American Conservative Union Foundation's Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, or during the Senate debates televised nationally, Rubio has been consistent with his message.

It boils down to this: America under President Barack Obama is heading in a new direction that's not good. The number one issue for him is government spending and debt. He says his children risk being part of the first generation of Americans who are worse off than the generation before.

He calls the $787 billion federal stimulus and the health care overhaul disastrous policies that will contribute to the country's bankruptcy. That problem will be worse if significant changes aren't made to entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, he argues.

Unlike most politicians -- especially in a state like Florida with 2.5 million retirees -- he isn't afraid to talk about changes to Social Security. He wants to gradually raise the age of eligibility to 70 and restructure the formula that determines retirees' initial benefits. He would leave anyone now 55 or older exempt from the changes.

While Crist and Democrat Kendrick Meek criticize him for wanting to tinker with Social Security, Rubio says something needs to be done or the financial consequences will damage the country.

"I'm the only one with a plan to save Social Security. I'm the only one with a plan to reduce the national debt. I'm the only one with a plan of what government's role should be to grow the economy," Rubio said. "I'm the only one running for U.S. Senate that has any idea about how serious our debt is and where it's taking our country."

It's a message that first resonated with tea party activists. While Crist was raising millions of dollars and acting as if he didn't have any primary competition, Rubio was driving around the state talking to any group that would listen. Tea partiers began raving about him and his momentum began to build.

Maryellen Winkel, a 46-year-old engineer from New Port Richey, didn't consider herself politically active until this election cycle. Sure, she read up on candidates and voted, but the Republican didn't go to rallies or events. But last February, she drove about three hours to Fort Myers to hear Rubio speak at a tea party rally that marked one year since Crist and Obama stood together to promote the stimulus.

"I had heard a few things about him and wanted to see if he was as real as he seems," she said. "I'm very impressed at his values and his morals and where he wants the country to go with less spending. When I look at the other candidates he wins me over even more."

She has heard the attacks, that Rubio put personal expenses on his Republican Party credit card (which Rubio says he reimbursed at the time they occurred), that he's not as fiscally conservative as he makes himself out to be, that he is really just another politician that is remaking himself to reflect the current political atmosphere.

"I just see it as politics as usual," Winkel said, adding Rubio's message rises above the attacks. "It just has to do with the environment around us and the insane spending and the entitlement attitude."

And it's not just the message, but the way he delivers it. He is an excellent, charismatic public speaker that fires up conservative audiences. He sprinkles the right touch of humor into his discussion of America going down the wrong path.

When crowds chant "Marco! Marco!" he jokes that he's afraid someone will reply "Polo!" When star-struck supporters ask if he'll run for president, he says maybe for president of a condo association. In a shot at Obama, he jokes that he is running for Senate because he wants to win a Nobel Prize, then adds that he would have to be in Senate for two years to achieve that.

He has a feel-good story about being raised by Cuban immigrants who worked hard to give their children opportunities they never had. His family moved to Las Vegas when he was a teenager and his mother worked as a hotel maid and his father as a casino bartender. He says his success is part of the American dream, a story that can't be duplicated anywhere else.

Rep. David Rivera, a longtime friend and former roommate of Rubio's when they were both in the House, said Rubio has always had the ability to engage a crowd, pointing back 15 years ago when they both worked for Bob Dole's presidential campaign.

"He would energize the room and energize the volunteers and right from that moment I knew he would go very far in public life," said Rivera, who is running for Congress. "Even before then, you could detect that he was someone with great optimism, someone who was very concerned about the community."

While it sounds like political cliche, Rubio often mentions his children as a driving factor in his run for Senate. His wife, Jeanette, a former Miami Dolphins cheerleader, said Rubio often takes breaks to spend time with their four children, ages 3 through 10. That includes giving up a chance to meet with newspaper editors from around the country less than two weeks from the election so he could join one of his sons on a school field trip.

"On Sundays, he makes it a point not to do anything to be with his kids and the family and we all do things together. Especially at the beginning of the campaign he would go out of his way to make sure that even though he was driving, if he had to come home at 1 o'clock to wake up in the morning to take the kids to school, he would do it," she said. "His family is what grounds him and what makes him able to see the things that he feels that are wrong."

Source: Daytona Beach News Journal

NRCC Ad against Chet Edwards (D-TX) an Example of a Rejuvenated NRCC

The ads coming out of the NRCC this year are really good and hard hitting. Cong Pete Sessions (D-TX) has done an outstanding job as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee after he was elected following the debacle in 2008. When he took over he changed the environment at the NRCC from one of protecting seats of incumbents to one of going on the offensive.

With the help of Cong Eric Cantor (R-VA), Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) who are in charge of the Young Guns program, the number of seats targeted by NRCC has kept growing. These three Congressman have recruited some of the best and brightest candidates that we have seen across the board. The Young Guns program has been a shot in the arm to the NRCC recruitment and ability to support good candidates to Take Back the House.

This ad against Chet Edwards in Texas is an example of terrific ads that NRCC has been turning out. Starting out, never gave it a thought that Edwards could be beat and here we are on the verge of that happening.

It is unknown how many seats Republicans will pick up in the House, but we predict it will be more than enough to Take Back the House and return 'Common Sense' to the House of Representatives where House members actually read the bills before voting on them. Republican Leader's plan to make sure that the American people also know what is in the bill is a good plan. The difference between Boehner and Pelosi on transparency is that John Boehner means every word he says.

Too early to celebrate as Get Out the Vote (GOTV) continues, but we want to thank Pete Sessions, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy, along with the team at NRCC for putting so many seats in play.

Coats Holds 8-to-1 Cash Advantage Over Ellsworth -- Can You Say Senator Dan Coats

This will be our last report on the Indiana Senate Race. Not only does former Senator Dan Coats hold a fundraising lead on Brad Ellworth, but he also holds a commanding and we believe insurmountable lead in the polls going into November 2nd. We hated to see him retire from the Senate but are extremely happy to see him return as Senator Dan Coats (R-IN).

This site was an early supporter of Dan Coats returning to the Senate from the day we heard he might run. His opponent in the primary, State Sen. Marlin Stutzman who is now running for Congress, was a very good candidate but we felt in today's environment in DC that someone with a lot of experience was needed to fill the Senate seat. Former Senator Dan Coats has that foreign policy experience that is desperately needed in the Senate along with 'Common Sense' and fiscal conservatism. Coats will not need any OJT, but will hit the ground running on January 3rd!

Coats Holds 8-to-1 Cash Advantage Over Ellsworth

Friday, October 22, 2010 @ 11:10 AM

And in Indiana, the Associated Press reports that Republican Dan Coats holds an 8-to-1 cash advantage over liberal Democrat Brad Ellsworth:
Indiana Republican U.S. Senate nominee Dan Coats reports going into the last weeks of the campaign with more than eight times as much in available money as Democrat Brad Ellsworth. Campaign reports released Thursday show Coats had about $1 million on hand heading toward the Nov. 2 election. Ellsworth had about $119,000 at the Oct. 13 report period deadline.

Latest Ad from the Dan Coats Campaign:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dino Rossi versus Patty Murray in the Washington Senate Race

“I’m running for the US Senate because our country and our economy are in trouble because of too much spending, debt & government.” — Dino Rossi

When those words are the first thing you see on Dino Rossi's site, you know when elected, the people of Washington State will be well represented in the Senate. That will be a welcome change to have someone who understands what they are voting on and will represent ALL the people of Washington not just the special interest groups.

Dino Rossi's new ad 'Who Changed' says it all about Patty Murray who is one of the biggest tax and spenders in the Senate. Murray also never met an earmark she doesn't like.

While on Rossi's website, we found another ad that was released this week which discusses Patty Murray's claim she helped write Obamacare:

Bellevue, WA— U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi released a new statewide TV ad on Tuesday entitled ‘Who Wrote the Bill?’ The full script follows:

Voiceover: “Patty Murray on the health care bill.”

Sen. Murray: ”Not only did I read it, but I helped to write it.”

Voiceover: “Did she write in the $700 fine for not buying the government’s plan?

“The $500 billion cut in Medicare that hurts seniors?

“The huge premium increases?

“The job-killing half trillion dollar tax hike?”

Sen. Murray: “Not only did I read it, but I helped to write it.”

Voiceover: “Maybe she should read it again.”

Dino Rossi: “I’m Dino Rossi and I approved this message.”

Don't know who is running the Democrat campaigns this year, but the political savvy they showed with Clinton and his people involved in campaigns has flown out the window. Were Democrats so arrogant after Obama was elected that they said whatever they felt like? A lot of their statements are coming back to haunt them in their campaigns. Don't think most candidates now would be bragging about helping write Obamacare which may be one of the worst bills ever after the details keep seeing the light of day. Hard to believe she read and actually comprehended what was in the bill -- chances of that happening are slim to none.

Dino Rossi representing Washington State would be a breath of fresh air! Turnout is the key -- Republicans and Independents along with some Democrats are eager to vote for Rossi and oust Patty Murray as their Senator. An incumbent in a virtual tie in polling this close to the election could spell problems for Murray. Get Out The Vote (GOTV) is so important to put Dino Rossi over the top to send a fiscal conservative to the Senate to replace the tax and spend Murray.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Johnson Launches 'Penny Pincher' and '14 Trillion' Ads Against Feingold in Wisconsin Senate Race

In all of the websites that we have been visiting this year, we found one that is unique when it comes to meeting the candidate -- Ron Johnson for Senator from Wisconsin who is taking on Russ Feingold who has been in the Senate for 18 years. Check it out at Ron Johnson for Senate which will give you a very good feel for the man who stands a good chance to win the Senate race in WI.

Johnson has been a hard worker with results his whole life and will make a great addition to the US Senate alongside people like Senators Inhofe and Coburn from Oklahoma.

These two ads sum up the career of Russ Feingold:

Johnson Campaign Launches New TV Ad: Penny PincherPosted October 20, 2010
[Oshkosh, WI] Oshkosh manufacturer and U.S. Senate Candidate Ron Johnson’s campaign launched a new television ad, titled “Penny Pincher.” The ad, which began running statewide on Tuesday, centers around Senator Feingold’s broken promises to reduce our national debt which now stands at nearly $14 trillion.

“Senator Feingold once told voters that his number one priority is to reduce the national debt, but in Washington his voting record has contributed to a nearly $14 trillion deficit,” Ron Johnson for Senate Campaign spokeswoman Sara Sendek said. “Senator Feingold may claim to be a deficit hawk and a maverick, but his voting record tells a different story. Wisconsin voters know that Senator Feingold is only part of the problem.”

Johnson Campaign Launches New TV Ad: 14 TrillionOctober 20, 2010
[Oshkosh, WI] Oshkosh manufacturer and U.S. Senate Candidate Ron Johnson launched a new television ad today, titled “14 Trillion.” The ad, which will run statewide, once again features Ron in front of a whiteboard discussing Senator Feingold’s record that has led to a nearly $14 trillion deficit for our nation.

“Senator Feingold likes to call himself a deficit hawk, but his Washington spending policies have raised our debt to nearly $14 trillion,” Ron Johnson for Senate Campaign spokeswoman Sara Sendek said. “Wisconsin workers and families are hurting, and Senator Feingold’s job-killing policies have raised our debt to unsustainable levels and done nothing to create jobs.”

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mary Fallin Wins the Governor's Debate Hands Down

Tonight was the Oklahoma Governor's Debate which was carried live on the radio from University of Central Oklahoma. It is also was replayed on our local NBC affiliate which just concluded. Decided to watch the debate to see the reaction of the candidates to the questions.

The first thing that struck me was that Mary Fallin is filled with enthusiasm about the chance to lead this State and what can be accomplished by everyone working together. Did not sense that same type of enthusiasm from Jari Askins. Maybe it comes from the fact Mary is a conservative and doesn't have to pretend to be something she is not to get elected.

Mannerisms can say a lot about a candidate -- Mary looked at the audience during her closing remarks but Jari zeroed in on one area.  Looks on TV like Askins was talking to the moderator and then she periodically looks up at the ceiling, but never looks out at the audience. It was annoying to watch as she kept looking to the side.

One thing that has bothered me about this race in addition to Askins saying she is conservative was Askins attacks about Fallin's donations saying she is funded by out of state money which isn't true.  Some of the donations come from people in DC but as a Congresswoman for four years, Fallin has met a lot of people who support her bid for Oklahoma Governor not just in DC but around the Country. Askins conveniently never mentions that people from all 77 Oklahoma counties have given to Mary Fallin for Governor and the vast majority of Fallin's contributions have come from within Oklahoma. As Fallin pointed out tonight, she doesn't have the money to loan her campaign.

Recently Askins loaned her campaign another $1M. That grates on my last nerve that Askins criticizes Fallin's donations when she is mostly self financing her campaign -- did it in the primary and now in the general. Her self financing allows Democrats to spend their money elsewhere.  Guess Askins forgets the financing opposing Right to Work by the Democrats came mostly from out of state.  That was for a Democrat sponsored agenda so it is okay to accept out of state money in that case. 

So happy that Mary is leading handily in the polls and after her performance tonight, that lead should be solidified.  Cannot feature having Askins as Governor who seems to be short on ideas and has an unwillingness to stand up to the Obama agenda on behalf of Oklahomans.  Knew before the debate that Mary speaks from the heart as a conservative while Jari is a new 'conservative' only because that is where the votes are.  That showed tonight and why Mary Fallin with be our next Oklahoma Governor.

Fallin Focuses on Economy and Jobs in Strong Debate Performance

Oklahoma City – Republican gubernatorial candidate Mary Fallin delivered a strong performance in tonight’s candidate debate, continuing to focus on policies to build a stronger, more prosperous Oklahoma.

Campaign manager Denise Northrup said that Fallin successfully focused on the issues that Oklahomans care about and continued to drive her message of economic growth and smaller and smarter government.

“We’ve been campaigning on the idea that Mary is the only candidate with a real plan to create jobs, grow the economy and fight wasteful spending. She’s also the only candidate who is ready to stand up to Washington and President Obama when they try to force their liberal agenda on Oklahoma. That message came across loud and clear tonight, and you can tell it’s really resonating with voters of all political stripes.”

Fallin agreed, saying the campaign has continued to draw support from Republicans, independents and Democrats.

“People all over Oklahoma are tired of partisanship and ‘politics as usual,’” said Fallin. “They’re looking for a governor who is going to roll up their shirtsleeves and really solve the serious problems we have in this state. That’s why I’m running for governor, and that’s what I told our audience tonight. I know that when we all work together, we can build a better, brighter future in Oklahoma.”

Mary Fallin is the Conservative Running for OK Governor; Jari Askins is the Pretend Conservative in 2010

You always hear that copying someone is the highest form of flattery, but in this case it is a fraud on the part of Jari Askins. She is not conservative and never has been. An Obama supporter pretending to be conservative shows that being a liberal in a State like Oklahoma doesn't fly. She can pretend all she wants but there is only ONE Conservative in the race and that is Congresswoman Mary Fallin.

On issue after issue there is a huge divide in philosophy and how to make things work between Fallin and Askins.  The difference is stark which makes Askins pretending to be conservative even more ludicrous.  Education comes to mind as a perfect example.

Mary's new ad on her Plan for Education is 'common sense' which will work because throwing more money at education like Askins and the liberal Democrats want to keep doing does not work.  Our State needs high academic standards and schools held accountable including parental involvement in order to have good schools. It is past time that Oklahoma students were able to find good paying jobs right here in Oklahoma and not have to move out state. When Mary was Lt Governor she was about selling Oklahoma as a place for business' to relocate. As our Governor, Mary will be the best spokesman for Oklahoma we could have as she is better than any Chamber of Commerce in promoting Oklahoma as a place to live and do business.

On November 2nd, Oklahomans have a chance to elect the ONLY Conservative in the race, Mary Fallin, and send the liberal Jari Askins Home from the Capitol. Looking forward to January and ending eight long years of a Democrat Governor in this bright Red State.

Monday, October 18, 2010

EDITORIAL: Conservatives Heading Towards Consistent Raese

If someone would have told us after Sen Byrd died that a Republican had a great chance to pick up that West Virginia Senate seat, we would have laughed. For years West Virginia has been a conservative state in Presidential politics but at the Senate level they have kept sending back the same two liberals although we have to admit that we respected Robert Byrd in his younger days a lot more then we ever have Rockefeller. Have to believe if he was younger, he would have been fighting alongside Republicans against Obama.

That said Manchin is no Robert Byrd. In fact he is an Obama supporter who we believe would mirror Rockefeller with his votes. People of Virginia are beginning to see through Manchin as a typical Democrat with no core values who will say anything to get elected.

Oct. 18, 2010

EDITORIAL: Conservatives Heading Towards Consistent Raese
Over and over again, West Virginians have seen Governor Manchin on our TV screens, defending every extreme measure the Obama Administration has put forward over the past two years. Many asked: "Is the Governor's conservatism so shallow that he is willing to trade it for Obama's favor? Does he have no sincere convictions, other than being a political player?"

On the other side of the political aisle, John Raese may not be as slick at politics as Governor Manchin. But Raese has consistently shown one characteristic that Manchin has shown this year that he clearly lacks: bedrock conservative convictions.

Anyone who has watched Raese over the years knows that he has always advocated strong conservative beliefs on everything from less taxes, less government, a strong military, the right to life, and a better job-creating climate for nearly three decades now. John Raese doesn't change his views back and forth like a politician might.

But Raese does listen to the public and works their views into his approach to decision-making. This was as evidenced by his impressive barnstorming campaign this year, travelling the whole state, every day, with his wife, Elizabeth. They have almost become folk heroes, the Bonnie and Clyde of this year's election, popping up everywhere in their white campaign van.

Only the Raeses aren't holding up banks like Bonnie and Clyde did; rather, they're holding up the state's establishment and bringing power back to the people. It's about time.

John Raese listens to us because he is a businessman, one who is constantly gathering needed information to make the tough decisions for his family limestone business every day. We deserve that kind of depth and judgment in a U.S. Senator in these pressing times.

So Raese has years of training for this kind of job and is capable, as evidenced by the growth of his family business on his watch. Let's see what he can do for us in Washington. At least we'll know where he stands, which is more than we can get out of Manchin these days.

Source: Editor, Huntington

Crist Coming Under Fire for His Flip-Flopping and Hypocritical Attacks

Looks like the 'real' Charlie Crist is now standing up with his 'no' core values and say anything he thinks will work to get elected. He is quickly becoming unglued with some of his remarks. Bet Charlie finds it hard to believe that Obama didn't dump Meeks for him. Obama might have dumped Meeks if he was white instead of black because he has about as much loyalty as Crist -- not much. Both Crist and Obama look out for #1 and could care less about anyone else unless it benefits them.

What would be the best outcome on November 2nd would be for Meeks to come in 2nd and Crist 3rd to put the final nail in Crist's political future. Wonder if Crist will move rather than have Rubio represent him in the Senate and have Scott for a Governor?

Crist Coming Under Fire for His Flip-Flopping and Hypocritical Attacks

Monday, October 18, 2010 @ 11:10 AM

In Florida, political opportunist Charlie Crist is coming under fire for his perpetual flip-flopping “for political gain” and his hypocritical attacks against Marco Rubio. National Journal’s “Hotline On Call” reports:

Gov. Charlie Crist (I) is up with a new ad in the Florida Senate race attacking Republican Marco Rubio for his "extremist" agenda on issues like Roe v. Wade. There's only one problem: Crist's checkered past on abortion. He has been pro-choice and pro-life in various stages of his political career - changing his positions for political gain.

Meanwhile, Rubio was joined on the campaign trail by popular former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. The Herald Tribune reports:

Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio told a Sarasota crowd Saturday he would protect and build the strength of the United States if sent to Washington, D.C. From defense to the national debt, Rubio said he will stand up to to the Democratic agenda and offer a clear plan to maintain America's legacy as the "greatest nation in human history." Rubio was joined by Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and 2008 GOP presidential primary contender, at the morning rally in Island Park at the Sarasota bayfront.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Colo. Senate hopeful (Ken Buck) stands his ground on 'tea-party' issues

For weeks we have been trying to put all the media hype about the Tea Party including being racist in perspective. It is beginning to look more and more that a lot of the hype is media driven. Individuals belong in what the Tea Party stands for but in most cases are not that organized.

The volunteers working the campaigns as was pointed out earlier are from the grassroots if the Republicans. Sharron Angle comes from that grassroots sitting on her GOP County Committee for 20 years. These are not what the media likes to classified as "Tea Party" candidates. These people like Buck and Angle are longtime Republicans both holding office as Republicans, yet they are counted the Tea Party candidates by the media?

The media has been in a full court press to tie these two people to the Tea Party which tells us there has been polling showing a negative connotation in the general election in some areas.  The media pushes the Tea Party but yet the people volunteering are the long time Republican grassroots which they love to ignore.  We will have more on all of this after the election.  

Colo. Senate hopeful stands his ground on 'tea-party' issuesBy Joseph Weber

The Washington Times
1:11 p.m., Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ken Buck, the Republican candidate for a Colorado U.S. Senate seat, was forced early in a nationally televised debate Sunday to defend criticism that he was abandoning the "tea party" and the outsider stances that helped him win the GOP nomination.

He didn't need to, standing his ground on homosexuality, the war in Afghanistan and other key election issues during a debate with incumbent Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Mr. Buck said he believes homosexuality is a choice because "you can choose who your partner is." However, he also acknowledged that sexual preference is determined at birth, "like alcoholism and some other things."

His statement was in sharp contrast to President Obama's comment last week during a town-hall-style meeting.

"I don't think it's a choice," the president said. "I think people are born with a certain makeup."

Mr. Bennet and Mr. Buck, Weld County district attorney, are locked in one of the closest, high-profile Senate races of the midterm elections. A Rasmussen Reports poll last week showed Mr. Buck falling several percentage points but still holding a lead of 47 percent to 45 percent.

The roughly 20-minute debate was remarkably civil, considering the candidates have been attacked by critics for past statements, highlighted in million of dollars worth of negative TV ads.

Both agreed on several issues, including that the tea-party movement is not infiltrated with racist members.

"I haven't seen it in Colorado," said Mr. Buck, who hardly exchanged glances with his rival. "Folks who hold those views are asked to leave."

Said Mr. Bennet, "I haven't see a lot of that, either."

Excerpt: Read More at the Washington Times