Friday, October 22, 2010

NRCC Ad against Chet Edwards (D-TX) an Example of a Rejuvenated NRCC

The ads coming out of the NRCC this year are really good and hard hitting. Cong Pete Sessions (D-TX) has done an outstanding job as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee after he was elected following the debacle in 2008. When he took over he changed the environment at the NRCC from one of protecting seats of incumbents to one of going on the offensive.

With the help of Cong Eric Cantor (R-VA), Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) who are in charge of the Young Guns program, the number of seats targeted by NRCC has kept growing. These three Congressman have recruited some of the best and brightest candidates that we have seen across the board. The Young Guns program has been a shot in the arm to the NRCC recruitment and ability to support good candidates to Take Back the House.

This ad against Chet Edwards in Texas is an example of terrific ads that NRCC has been turning out. Starting out, never gave it a thought that Edwards could be beat and here we are on the verge of that happening.

It is unknown how many seats Republicans will pick up in the House, but we predict it will be more than enough to Take Back the House and return 'Common Sense' to the House of Representatives where House members actually read the bills before voting on them. Republican Leader's plan to make sure that the American people also know what is in the bill is a good plan. The difference between Boehner and Pelosi on transparency is that John Boehner means every word he says.

Too early to celebrate as Get Out the Vote (GOTV) continues, but we want to thank Pete Sessions, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy, along with the team at NRCC for putting so many seats in play.

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