Monday, April 19, 2010

Oklahoma City Bombing, 9:02 a.m., 19 April 1995, Federal Murrah Building

At 9:02 a.m. this morning it will mark the 15th Anniversary of when the bomb was set off that blew off the front of the Murrah Building and did extensive damage to the Journal Record building killing 168 people. The names of the 168 people killed will be read starting at 9:02 a.m. with bells tolling in the background. God Bless!

So many changes have taken place on the ground where the Murrah Building stood. It was normal day with people at work, children in day care, people at the credit union, and all unsuspecting about what was going to change that morning.

One thing has stayed constant -- the Survivor Tree! How that tree survived that blast is any one's guess but grafts from that tree have started new trees so it will live forever as the new trees give off more grafts.

This Survivor tree has flourished in the 15 years since the bombing and given hope to so many people who lost loved ones and friends that day or who received injuries.

For five years after the bombing, people from around the world left mementos on a chain link fence for the victims. It was heart wrenching to view the fence with all the stuffed animals and realize that children that were killed that day who were spending the day in the Day Care Center of the Murrah Building while their parents were working.

Over the five years the fence was standing, items were removed and catalogued to be used in the future Bombing Memorial Museum. On April 19, 2000, the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial was dedicated by President William Clinton. The designer of the Bombing Memorial made it perfect. There are the 168 bronze and stone chairs sitting on glass base representing the victims, 19 of those are small chairs representing the children. Those 168 chairs are sitting on a hillside overlooking the reflecting pool.

The huge gates at the entrances to the Memorial have 9:01 which symbolizes the time before the bombing and the other gate has 9:03 which symbolizes the healing that began immediately after.

The Memorial Museum was dedicated on President's Day, February 19th, 2001, by President and Mrs. George W. Bush. Remember his speech that day when he recalled going into the room with the cubes where you find the items dedicated to the people who lost their lives and seeing the cubical of the USSS agent who served his Dad who lost his life. The room is so sad and tears come easily when you realize these people lost their lives in a senseless bombing.

At the entrance to the Museum are these words:

We come here to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever. May all who leave here know the impact of violence. May this memorial offer comfort, strength, peace, hope and serenity.®

Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum

Oklahoman has an area dedicated to that day and the days that followed

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