Once again the Republican Congressman Bridenstine from Tulsa, OK, proves why he should never have been elected. He replaced John Sullivan who was much more attuned to doing what was best for the Country and Oklahoma. Bridenstine is typical Tea Party with no class along with being extremely arrogant. When I first heard about his rant against President Obama, I couldn't believe he was that dumb - I was wrong. Judge for yourself what a no-class, unethical person this Freshman Congressman has shown himself to be in only a few months in office:
This one-minute speech made me cringe and is a total insult to the Office of the President. Shows he has zero class and doesn't understand there is a certain docorum in the House. He fits in perfectly with the Tea Party Caucus trying to outdo each other on attacks on President Obama. The man should be censored but that would take backbone out of Speaker Boehner who has none at all as he plays up to the Tea Party. Cong Issa must love Bridenstine. This is all you to know about one of the most offensive members of Congress - guess he is trying to be Ted Cruz of the House. He had this to say on 5 June 2013:
Mr. Speaker, the President’s dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to lead.
The only problem is that his vice president is equally unfit and even more embarrassing.Person unfit in all of this in my honest opinion, is the arrogant Mr. Bridenstine who is fronting for Issa the way it sounds. When did Freshman Congressmen take to the floor in the past to be so hateful toward a sitting President? You can tell he has zero respect for the Office of the President or Vice President which means, in turn, Mr. Bridenstine deserves every last bit of scorn thrown his way. I would have said the same thing about a Democrat Congressman saying such trash against a sitting Republican President but don't remember a Democrat being so vile.
Have had it with the elected Tea Party people who think only they have all the answers and come across as arrogant, rude, and nasty. Bridenstine fits all three. The Congressman wasn't done as now he wants Obama to Apologize to Oklahoma for Investing in Climate Change Research. The person who owes Oklahoma an apology is Bridenstine for being a jerk and taking tax payer dollars for his salary and expenses.
Anyone who doesn't see climate change in what we went through this past spring in Oklahoma is clueless or has their head buried in the sand. There is a variety of facts that go into climate change and to deny they exist is stupid but he has a good teacher in Sen Inhofe who refuses to acknowledge any change at all to the weather. It is a Democrat plot in their small minds.
Still cannot get over the remarks I hear in Oklahoma against wind power and the smart grid with the smart meter which I take full advantage here in Norman and saved almost $200 last year. Another time I have been called a liberal Democrat recently. If wanting to go more green and build less power plants that use coal is what a liberal Democrat is all about then count me in on energy. I also recycle as much as I can at the huge recycling bins here in Norman - cardboard boxes, newspapers, plastics, paper - all go to recycling.
Don't know what it in the water supply in Tulsa, but suggest they get a new one as they have Inhofe and now Bridenstine who refuse to believe there is climate change:
Congressman Demands Obama Apologize To Oklahoma For Investing In Climate Change ResearchBy Rebecca Leber posted from Climate Progress on Jun 12, 2013 at 9:12 am
Just as extreme weather season kicks off, freshman Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) demanded that President Obama apologize to Oklahoma for allocating funding to climate change research. Bridenstine, a climate denier who serves on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, plans to introduce a bill that defunds climate change research.
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Rep Bridenstine |
“Even climate change alarmists admit the number of hurricanes hitting the U.S. and the number of tornado touchdowns have been on a slow decline for over 100 years,” Bridenstine said on the House floor Tuesday, according to Raw Story. “But here is what we absolutely know. We know that Oklahoma will have tornadoes when the cold jet stream meets the warm Gulf air, and we also know that this President spends 30 times as much money on global warming research as he does on weather forecasting and warning. For this gross misallocation, the people of Oklahoma are ready to accept the President’s apology and I intend to submit legislation to fix this.”
Here is what Director of the National Climatic Data Center Tom Karl had to say about hurricanes, tornadoes, and climate change in 2011: “What we can say with confidence is that heavy and extreme precipitation events often associated with thunderstorms and convection are increasing and have been linked to human-induced changes in atmospheric composition.” Meanwhile, climate scientists are in near universal agreement that climate change is driven by human activity.
Bridenstine also recently accused Obama of “dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness” in an unhinged speech on the House floor.FYI, Bridenstine also voted against the Violence Against Women Act, voted against Hurricane Sandy relief, voted to Repeal Obamacare, and follows the Michelle Bachmann Tea Party Caucus line. Check out his votes from only his first two months in office:
March 6, 2013 | HR 933 | Department of Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 | Bill Passed - House (267 - 151) | Nay |
Feb. 28, 2013 | H Amdt 23 | Reauthorizes the Violence Against Women Act | Bill Failed - House (166 - 257) | Nay |
Feb. 28, 2013 | S 47 | Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 | Bill Passed - House (286 - 138) | Nay |
Feb. 15, 2013 | HR 273 | Eliminates the 2013 Statutory Pay Adjustment for Federal Employees | Bill Passed - House (261 - 154) | Yea |
Jan. 23, 2013 | HR 325 | To Ensure the Complete and Timely Payment of the Obligations of the United States Government Until May 19, 2013 | Bill Passed - House (285 - 144) | Nay |
Jan. 15, 2013 | H Amdt 4 | Offsets Cost of Disaster Relief Appropriations Through Discretionary Budget Cuts | Amendment Rejected - House (162 - 258) | Yea |
Jan. 15, 2013 | HR 152 | Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 | Bill Passed - House (241 - 180) | Nay |
Tulsa Democrats need to get busy and field a candidate that can win this seat even if it is the Tulsa area which is heavy Republican. If Kathy Taylor wins the Tulsa Mayor's race in November, it should give boost to Democrats as the current Mayor Dewey Bartlett leaves a lot to be desired. More on that race later this summer.
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