Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day, November 11th, 2013

This comes from the 2011 Memorial Daily Celebration on the Mall but the songs from the five services, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Army are reminders of the men and women who have served in our military over the years and the ones serving today.

My family has a long line of serving our Nation going back to the Revolutionary War to the most recent service of my daughter in the US Navy along with my son-in-law who is retired Navy.  My Dad served in the Army, my children's Dad in the Marine Corps and after being around the Air Force the last 35+, it is near and dear to my heart.   

God Bless those who are serving and those that have served over the years who deserve a lot more then the current group of Republicans are giving them.  GOP talks a good talk but when it comes to approving a Veteran's Job Bill, SNAP benefits for Veterans and some Active Duty, or upgrading the Veterans Hospitals, the current Republicans are all talk and no action.  They are proving by their actions they don't care about our veterans at all if it means closing a loophole and costing their wealthy donors money. 

Time for everyone to join on helping our veterans because they have given so much to this Country and asks for so little!  Please thank a Vet today for their service!    

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