Monday, January 10, 2011

John Kasich and Mary Taylor sworn in as Ohio Governor and Lt Governor, January 10, 2011

Governor Kasich and family as he is sworn in as Governor of Ohio

Lt Governor Taylor and family as she being sworn in as Lt Governor
Today 'Common Sense' returns to the State of Ohio as Governor Kasich and Lt Governor Taylor were sworn into office.  They have a huge job ahead of returning Ohio's economy to one of strength not weakness.  Ohio has lost so many jobs and saw so many people move out of the State that they lost two Congressional seats this time.

Was born and raised in Ohio but everytime we had a Democrat Governor, our economy tanked.  Couldn't believe it when Ohio elected Strickland, a Democrat, in 2006, who helped drive people out of Ohio with his policies and tax hikes of almost $1B in Ohio.

Now it is time for the Governor and Lt Governor to roll up their sleeves and work to bring some prosperity back to Ohio.  Personally think Ohio relied too much on the automobile industry with their labor union problems in the past.  Remember numerous times the GM works going on strike in Dayton over nothing especially around hunting season.

Love my adopted state of Oklahoma but wish Governor John Kasich and Lt Governor Mary Taylor the very best and hope they are successful in turning Ohio around.  Would love to see Ohio become prosperous again under their leadership. 

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